Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel is caused by compression/irritation of the median nerve as it passes through carpal tunnel in wrist. Carpal tunnel is a bony canal formed by bones of your wrist and tendons that bend your fingers and form a fist. It is a narrow canal with numerous tendons, ligaments and nerves passing through it. Most common causes of median nerve is repetitive overuse of your hand (sports/work related). Repetitive movement puts excessive strain over the tendon leading to inflammation that could occupy space in the carpal tunnel and irritate median nerve. Inflammation and thickening of the tendon sheath can also compromise the space in the carpal tunnel. In pregnancy, this space is often occupied by excessive body fluid that leads to carpal tunnel. fractures of bones in wrist could also lead to median nerve irritation in wrist.
Median nerve provides sensation on palmar aspect of ring, little and index finger. It also controls the muscles that help you form a fist and handle small tools. Thus, irritation of median nerve causes pain, tingling, numbness, pins/needles, weak grip. Symptoms are usually worse at night and with activities that flex your wrist as the space in tunnel is further compromised while flexing your wrist. 

How Registered Physiotherapist in Mississauga can help?

E  ducation - Registered Physiotherapist will educate you on the movement or activities that potentially increases stress over median nerve and delay the healing process. Education on exercises that help to prevent any scar tissue and stiffening of your wrist as the nerve is healing.
Pain Management - Registered Physiotherapist in Mississauga will use different electro modalities (US/IFC/LASER) to help you with your pain. Registered Physiotherapist in Mississauga would also prescribe splint to help with night pain. Carpal tunnel splint will help to take the pressure on the median nerve while preventing your wrist from flexing thus decreasing the irritation over median nerve. Splint can also we used wen engaged in prolong activities that involves flexing your wrist (repetitive typing, handling tools). Acupuncture helps to decrease the inflammation over the nerve and promote healing. It enhances the natural ability of your body to heal by stimulating the nerves.
Manual Therapy - It’s a manual treatment technique performed by Registered Physiotherapist in Mississauga. Following injury, median nerve tends to be hyperirritable and stiff. This puts it at a higher risk of reinjuring. Registered Physiotherapist in Mississauga will mobilize the median nerve to prevent the nerve from being hyperirritable and worsen your symptoms. Mobilizing the bone sin your wrist joint also helps to improve the mobility of carpal tunnel and widen the tunnel. This eventually helps to take out some pressure off the median neve. Kinesio taping is another intervention performed by Registered Physiotherapist in Mississauga. It helps to alleviate pain by decreasing the tension onto median nerve and clearing off the inflammation around the nerve. It also offers extra support to the nerve as it is healing. Few taping techniques will function to decrease swelling in the tunnel or by preventing movements that compromise the space in carpal tunnel
Muscle Strengthening - Muscles around your wrist tend to become weak will develop some tightness secondary to injury. Registered Physiotherapist in Mississauga will prescribe exercises that would strengthen your wrist muscles an provide more stability to the wrist. Exercises to maintain the flexibility of the median nerve also helps to prevent undue stress coming over the nerve.
Return to Sports - Once the injury has been healed, Registered Physiotherapist in Mississauga will educate you on the exercises to prevent any recurrences. They will also guide you on the necessary modification at your work/sports to minimize stress coming onto wrist joint.

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