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Back pain is fast becoming a common problem. Chances are you've already experienced it at least once. Research shows that roughly fourth-fifths of adults suffer from back pain at some point in time.
Back pain brings with it a number of lifestyle limitations. Even simple tasks such as bending over to tie your shoelaces become a painful experience. Fortunately, with recent advances in physiotherapy, surgery is no longer your only option.
Physiotherapy is a non-invasive treatment option that improves the health and function of joints and muscles.
Physiotherapy for back pain
can help reduce pain and associated limitations. It also reduces the likelihood of pain returning.
Read on to learn what causes back pain and how physiotherapy can be life-changing.
The spine bears most of the weight of the human body. Unaligned, unsupported postures can put an excessive strain on the spine. This results in an undue burden on the muscles and ligaments of the back, leading to pain. In extreme cases, it may also lead to herniation of the spinal discs.
The way you stand or sit can also cause back pain. Sleeping in awkward positions, slouching in your chair, and standing with your body weight on one leg are just some of the ways you may be damaging your back. Even performing routine tasks such as vacuuming with one arm can cause back pain.
Chronic inflammatory medical conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and osteoporosis can also be the source of back pain. Inflammation can cause irritation and swelling of back muscles and ligaments. This results in back soreness and stiffness.
Back pain can develop suddenly as well. Lifting heavy objects can sprain the muscles or tendons in your back. This triggers the pain fibers in your back, leading to excruciating pain. Back pain due to pulled muscles or ligaments can also cause back spasms.
Physiotherapy offers many options for back pain relief. Depending on the severity and cause of the pain, treatment can be tailored to each individual. A trained physiotherapist, after a detailed history and physical examination, can help you decide what option will work best for you.
Standard treatment options include active therapy, manual therapy, movement/stretching exercises, and progressive strengthening exercises.
Active therapies:
These include exercises and movement patterns that you can safely perform yourself. They are generally designed to keep you active and increase your mobility. Short 20-30–minute sessions of aerobic exercises such as walking, running, and swimming are typical examples of active therapy.
Manual therapies:
These are hands-on exercises performed by a trained physiotherapist. Your physiotherapist will aim to mobilize your spine using slow, gentle movements. Accompanying quicker, fast movements will also help manipulate the spine.
Stretching exercises:
They aim to extend the muscles supporting the spine. This helps to relieve undue stress on the back. Yoga poses such as the downward dog and hamstring stretches can immediately relieve back pain.
Strengthening exercises:
Such exercises of your core and other accessory muscles can help lift some of the load off your back. The stronger these muscles are, the less strain on your back there is.
Physiotherapy aims to improve the flexibility, mobility, and overall strength of your lower back. This not only reduces back pain but also prevents its occurrence.
The back is a delicate part of the human body. Therefore, you should only let expert and experienced physiotherapists handle your back and alleviate the associated pain.
Mimico Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Clinic
has a team of licensed physiotherapists and trained medical professionals specialized in managing back pain, guaranteeing top-of-the-line care.
Call 647-351-4000 or visit our
booking page
to book a consultation right now!
(416) 342-3026